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Soulshine Leadership Mission and Vision. 

Maximize Your Ability to Shine through Leadership

What an amazing world we live in that we have instant access to information. We have access to multiple different leadership concepts and methods at our finger tips. We have a vast variety of options to meet out intellectual needs, however, we often become overwhelmed because of the overload of information. Soulshine Leadership is a platform that will serve as vessel for your self-discovery and leadership needs.

Today, many of the Leadership concepts and methods tend to focus on leading a group of people with little to no focus on leading yourself first. The stigma around leadership is driven by positions. Do you hold a leadership position? And if you don't, can you really consider yourself a leader? Societal views of leadership have been impacted by the idea you must hold a position of power in order to be an effective leader.


There is one crucial question everyone must ask themselves:  Do you consider yourself a leader? If the answer is no, then ask yourself who is leading your life? 


At some point we have heard phrases like in order to lead others it starts with you but we struggle to find a method that is accessible and simplified for people to use. It's clear there is a need to define what Internal Leadership means, especially now in current events. The most influential leader in your life needs to be you! Soulshine Leadership is a place for people seeking the opportunity to lead their best life, fuel their emotional balance, Identify their leadership styles, and find fulfillment from within. From there we are able to spread the shine for others to gain.

You will be equipped with tools and resources to support you! Tools such as a support system, shine blogs and vlogs that focus on giving you weekly tools to guide your self-growth, Leadership blogs and vlogs that shed light and break down leadership concepts so you can apply them to your life, spotlight interviews with successful leaders, and positivity/career coaching sessions to serve your needs. 

Unlock your "shine" today with Soulshine Leadership! Live in the present day and nourish the "you" that you are!

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